
Table of Contents (Online Help)


All Labels

On this page you can see all labels in the language of your choice arranged in alphabetical order. You can navigate the list using arrows, mouse, etc., or you can type the initial letter (-s) of the search phrase in the provided space. This will help you to identify the labels that you want to view or to modify.

How to view all labels

To view labels in their respective languages you go to System/Configuration/Define Labels/All Labels and like one below appears:

The phrase with the exact label or as part of another phrase will be displayed in the scroll space above. Select the label and double-click on it or press the Pick button to take it to the Modify Labels page.

Note that the selected item will be displayed in the language of your choice in the "Modify the Search Phrase" text-box under the Modify Labels tab, where you can then "Modify", "Update" and "Save" the changes. If you have translated the label into another language, you will have to Log in again as a user with that language to see the changes. Note as well that there will be no references to the new labels in the Help file.

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